issue 10

Anthony Alegrete | Andrya Allen | Meg Artley
Timothy Duffy | Kelly Garriott Waite | Andrew Garvin
Bryn Gribben | Emily Johnson | L Mari Harris
Jason Michael Martin | Maureen O’Leary
Richard Westheimer |Corinna Schulenburg
Jessica Settergren | Angela Townsend
Cover Art by Jennifer Lange, "Cuando Cebras Duerman”

In this issue

[BFR Editors and Readers]


Issue 10

[Cover Art]

Sleeping Zebra”

Jennifer Lange


ashes to ashes

Kelly Garriott Waite


Corinna Schulenburg

creative nonfiction

“a portrait”

Andrya Allen



Meg Artley


Anthony Alegrete

“just so stories”

Richard Westheimer

“on track”

Angela Townsend

“the meaning of the egg”

Jason Michael Martin

[Issue 10 Visual Art]

featured visual artists

JC Alfier, Charles Byrne, Annika Connor, Kenneth Ricci, Pia Quantano, Cameron Shipley, Ronald Walker, Robin Young


Andrew Garvin

“death takes a nuthatch”

Jessica Settergren